Bookings Promoter Booking Form Corporate / Private Contact Form These forms are for live booking enquiries ONLY and EXCLUDE performances of any kind in the USA (e.g. live, charity, private, TV shows). If you wish to book an artist to perform in the USA you will need to contact the relevant organisation in that territory. For any other enquiries excluding bookings (PR requests, autographs etc) please visit our FAQ’s page. * Required Field Artist* SCORPIONS SCORPIONS Date of event Venue* City* Country* Capacity* Venue type* Please select Arena Festival Music Venue Club Theatre Please select More info on venue type* Stage billing Proposed ticket price(s) Proposed fee (pls inc currency)* Is the fee subject to withholding tax/VAT? If so, how much? What else is paid for and provided by promoter? Some acts will require a 100% deposit, are you able to pay if required? Venue website Past shows with ITB Venue type (indoor/outdoor) Venue website/event social media links e.g Facebook and Twitter Promoter name* Promoter email* Promoter mobile (inc country code)* Promoter website Notes & further info I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions These forms are for live booking enquiries ONLY and EXCLUDE performances of any kind in the USA (e.g. live, charity, private, TV shows). If you wish to book an artist to perform in the USA you will need to contact the relevant organisation in that territory. NB any bookings through ITB will require a deposit. * Required Field Artist* SCORPIONS SCORPIONS Date of event Time Venue name* City* Country* Offer amount with currency* Is the fee subject to withholding tax/VAT? If so, how much? What else is provided on top of the fee? Sponsors name (if any) Event capacity* Who/What is the event for* Your name & company name* Email* Mobile phone (inc. country code)* Company website Notes & further info I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions